Hey everyone, don't forget to tell those cute little tales that make
ferrets be ferrets!
My Mom was at my house and we were both sitting on the couch with a plate
of pasta.  Mikette came curiously over to my Mom's plate to check it out.
She was just kind of sniffing it when I put my finger in the sauce and let
her lick it off.  Yum!  She liked it.  So I did it again.  Then Mikette
started licking the sauce off Mom's pasta.  Very lady-like, just gently
licking in one area while my Mom ate.  (My Mom didn't mind!!) I remembered
that Mikette used to like pasta, so I broke her off a small piece.  Yum!
Then another.  Deciding that was was enough I stopped.  Mikette disagreed.
She grabbed an entire ziti off the plate and ran with it!  I was laughing
too much to stop her as she hurried off the couch.  But she didn't get
far with the runaway ziti before I stopped her and confiscated it!!
How do ferrets make every little moment so fun?!
[Posted in FML issue 3252]