I just had to tell this little fuzzie tale, ummm actually tail.  Two of
three fuzzies were asleep, so I decided it was bed time for all.  I place
the two snoozers together in a bed on a lower level and decided to put
energetic Baby up on the top shelf in the "kitty cup" with a noisy ping
pong ball (her favorite toy, and one that she'll even play with during cage
time).  I slipped her in the side door, and she immediately began playing
excitedly with the ball.  I closed the door and went to shut the light when
I heard excited little chatterings along with the battering ball sounds.
I looked back to check out the scene, (I'd never heard such dooking!) - eek
her tail was caught in the cage door!  My poor baby!  Although strangely,
she never stopped playing!  Maybe she was just upset that she couldn't move
away from the door (-: She got kisses and is fine now!
[Posted in FML issue 3250]