Well, it's happening.  It's been a year and a half since I've added to my
group of ferrets, and so far I've been able to resist adding to it.  So
far.  This afternoon, I stopped quickly at the pet shop just before they
closed to buy some tropical fish.  My daughter told me I will probably want
to see what's in the back room.  I know what that means, and I should've
known better, but I figured it couldn't hurt to "just look."  In the pen
were two adorable ferrets (well, they're ALL adorable!) - about eight weeks
old.  One is a light colored ferret (maybe a cinnamon or blaze?), and the
other is a white ferret with a stripe down it's back, and it's tail is
dark.  His eyes aren't red, but they're not black, either.  Is he a DEW or
a marked white?  Anyway, they were very friendly and playful, well fed, and
their coats are just beautiful!  They've been there since last Friday, and
"everyone who's looked at them seems to like the white one" according to
the owner of the place.  I fell in love with him, but managed to walk out
without him.  I congratulated myself that I was able to resist ferret math
once again.  But now I find myself thinking of names for him ... IF I get
him, that is.  I'm in trouble, aren't I?!?!  :) I'll probably end up going
back to check on him Friday or Saturday.  If he's still there, I'm not sure
if I can resist again.
Also, for a long time I've had an idea of something I'd like to get the
ferrets, but could never find it: a hammock with its own stand to sit on
the floor.  I finally found one in a Current catalog - it's meant for cats,
but the ferrets won't know the difference!  I'm getting it for them for
Christmas - I can't wait, I think they'll like it!  Have any of you gotten
one for your ferrets?  Do they like it?
[Posted in FML issue 3245]