Dear Sandee:
Please keep an eye out for a new arrival who was helped over the Bridge
early today.  Her name is Lila and my friend Peggy is missing her so very
I'm sure we wouldn't recognize Lila now!  On earth, fur was long gone from
her skinny frame and her eyes were clouded, but you could always see that
strong ferret soul inside.  I'm sure Lila now sports a thick, lush coat,
and can see her way into more trouble than one ferret should be allowed!
Please look for a dark sable who seems lost and nervous, she'll need
someone to show her the ropes.
Ya see, Lila is a rescue fuzzy who came into Peggy's life already ill, but
I have never seen a ferret receive more love and gentle care!  Lila was
always afraid of Peggy's 5 other ferrets, so she lived in her own cage.
She was also very fraile.  She may also have been fearful since she
couldn't see well, but we also suspected a hard life before finding her
way into Peggy's heart.  So Sandee, Lila may seem scared of ferrets, but I
think she'll warm up with a bit of guidance.  Just show her the way to the
Gravy, maybe a flannel blanket, and she'll do just fine.  I would ask if ya
might help her find a gentle fuzzy to bond with, 'cause she loves to cuddle
and I would hate to think she would be alone up there.  And please let her
know Peggy prays she's now happy and healthy.
Warm Fuzzy Wishes For All Ya Do :o)
Garry & Jake
[Posted in FML issue 3243]