Well, first I'll start off with the Meadows Pet Store, I went in there with
my son about 3 months ago, we saw horrible conditions of all the animals
there, the next day I call the City of Las Vegas Animal Control,
702-229-6349.  When i made the complaint i had to give specific details,
and the date I was there.  Details are very important when making the
complaint.  The best thing is to go in and observe, make mental notes and
call A.C. asap.  I was asured that A.C. has to go out there every time
there is a complaint lodged about them.  whether they ever get shut down,
who knows, they were shut dowm once but reopened.  Randy, I'm with you on
the protest, and i'll round up others in Las Vegas!!  Just say when you'll
be here.
Ok,, Petco is letting the shelter do adoption day once a month at the
Spring Mountain and Rainbow Store.  We will have ferrets for adoption
there, doing nails and ears for any one that needs it for their ferret,
doing education, and of course trying to raise funds for the shelter.  All
donations of food, litter, and cash happily accepted.  It will take place
the last Saturday of every month, from noon to 3pm.  Please come and
support the ferrets!!  The more the merrier.  you can call me at 876-8224
for more info on the event.
Last but not least Erin the ferret godess at Petco and I are doing a Public
Servive Announcement spot for the shelter, thanks to a friend Rick.  we
will be taping it tomorrow and we are going to make the most of 30 seconds,
LOL.  Also I found out I'm getting laid off from work which I've been out
of since April due to heath problems.  so keep your fingers crossed that I
can financially keepp the shelter going.  Right now its very hard and the
vet bill keeps on growing and growing with all the sick ones I'm getting
Well wishing the FML and Bill all the best for Thanksgiving,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
[Posted in FML issue 3241]