>*******And for those of you that have ferrets right now, and feel that if
>one of your ferrets got sick today, that you would be in the same boat as
>this couple that surrendered Jingles... hear me, and hear me well.  You
>made the decision to take in these animals and have them in your life.
>Therefore, it is your responsibility and duty to provide for them fully
>and unconditionally.  There are no excuses acceptable to refuse medical
>care, or even basic care.  If you would not refuse care to your human
>child, why refuse care to a furry one?  When you take on that
>responsibility, you take it on fully or not at all.  Learn from this...
>it's not too late to make your sacrifices now, while you have the chance
Sometimes when people get pets, they are able financially to care for them
but at a later date, life changes and they find they are unable to provide
the medical care the ferrets deserve.  We find ourselves in this exact
When we first got Nipper and Chomper, my husband was making really good
money and we could afford medical care.  Then the unforseen happened....
hubbie was laid off due to downsizing.  We suddenly lost about $1500 a
month.  Ok..we had money saved incase the babies needed anything so we
thought everything was ok.  Then came the next bad news.  Hubbie hurt
himself and the doctor said it was time for knee surgery.  There is no
insurance to pay for it.  So we borrowed money from everyone we could to
pay for the surgery.  Two weeks after the surgery, hubbie slips and
falls, shattering other knee cab.  More surgery.  This time a choice was
made....either spend the money we had saved for the babies or hubbie would
never be able to work again.  So..we did what we had to do.  Hubbie had
second surgery and we used the money put aside for the ferrets.  It took 12
weeks to completely recover from both surgeries.  He has just started job
hunting again.  Jobs are scarce right now.  We are surviving off $$801 a
month.  House payment is $400..lot rent is $100..elec.  bill is around
$80..water..$30 a month.  Phone runs us about $30 a month.  This adds up
to a total of $640.  The other $161 has to feed us for the month.  (we are
elgible for $10 a month food stamps..lol).  Also out of the $160, we have
put gas in the car, pay the car insurance, buy all the pet supplies for the
month.  All of this off of $161.00 a month.
Thing will get back on track once hubbie goes back to work but right now,
there is no way we can afford medical care for the ferrets.  We have had
to go the church twice now just to get groceries.
We are fairly certain that little Nipper has Adrenal.  We will have to wait
to take her to the vet.  Every night I take my babies, hug them close and
tell them how sorry I am that we let them down.  We didn't mean to..it just
Remember ..things happen in life that sometimes you don't see coming.  You
do the best you can and try really hard to do what is right by your pets.
Sometimes that means delaying a trip to the vet (delaying vs. not going at
all ever).
We are meeting our ferrets basic needs (barely) but right now going to the
vet is out of the question.
I know some of you will flame me for this post.  That's ok..I have on my
flame proof underwear.
Don't be so quick to judge others.  Bad thing happen to good people and
even saving money for the future doesn't always help.  ok..will step down
off my soapbox now.
Pat L.
btw..giving our babies up is not an option for us.  we will just keep doing
the best we can till our financial situation improves..which hopefully will
happen soon.
[Posted in FML issue 3241]