Dooks!  Best wishes and good vibes to any sick or unhappy fuzzies - may the
days ahead be filled with love and kisses for you.
Well, I'm posting an update on my Jerry.  He had his surgery today and the
skin tumors were removed - atleast the two seeming most indicative of the
problem.  Here's the other problem.  We went ahead with the exploratory
adrenal surgery to discover a large tumor in the right adrenal gland, which
is the one that's hard to get to --next to the vena cava.  I believe he
said the tumor is actually attached to the vena cava.  My vet, having never
performed an right adrenalectomy nor seen one done, did not remove it and
recommended me to a specialist in a neighboring town.  Though it's probably
not the skin tumors which are the problem here, I'm still going to send
them off for biopsy.  If it's another problem all together, I need to know.
Jerry is 7 and a good bit FAT!!!  He's just over 5lbs now, and he's not a
big fuzzbutt - just a fat one - which is another concern when getting so
close to s major artery.
So, I'm asking my friends here on the FML for advice.  Does anyone have
statistics on right adrenalectomies?  What are the chances he might bleed
out or that after surgery the blood wouldn't find another path to his
extremities.  (It seems that the vena cava may actually have to just be
done away with?  - but I'm not positive I understood that right).  Cost
is another concern, (though minor - I'd sell my two front teeth to help
my boy.) I'm wondering about the feasibility of other courses of action.
There are meds out there which could control the symptoms without having
the tumor removed - anybody know about how effective they can be?
If anyone can help me out with some advice, I'm really in need.  I just
don't know what the best course of action is here!  It's always been so cut
and dry with Jerry - this is the problem, here's how we're gonna fix it.  I
need to talk to our vet some more, but I'd really appreciate any advice you
guys might be able to offer - especially from all you wonderfully kind vets
out there. :0)
I could really use a success story or two.
So, I can hopefully take the baby home tonight - though I've packed him a
bag incase I can't.  I just want to have him home with me and Stimy, give
him kisses and make him comfy.
Everybody send some good vibes to the Blacksburg, VA area, would ya?
Kim and Stimy (and the very groggy) Jerry
[Posted in FML issue 3202]