Hello all,
Last night I introduced my new guy Frederick to my girls Gypsy and Cleo.
It was quite a sight seeing all this fur rolling around like crazy
together.  So to make a long story short, Gypsy beat the hell out of
Frederick and Frederick beat the hell out of Cleo.  Gypsy usually beats
up Cleo, but last night she was actually defending Cleo when Frederick was
going after her.  I guess Gypsy doesn't like anyone picking on her little
sister but her.  There wasn't any bloodshed, but there was some crying.
I'm optimistic though because when I first got Cleo, it took me 2 weeks to
get my girls into one cage.  So I'll continue to keep at it.  Eventually
they'll all be one big, happy, conjoined fur ball.
Thanks for letting me share.  Dooks to all.
Sherri, Gypsy, Cleo, Frederick
[Posted in FML issue 3216]