Ferret math has struck at last!  I wrote last month about how Delta became
an only ferret after his brother Epsie died.  On Monday we got him some new
playmates, a pair of four-month-old cinnamon females.  We named them Ginger
and Pepper (because we love Futurama's reference to "spice weasels").  They
are adorable and very energetic and vocal.  It didn't take long for each
one to choose her human; Pepper is a real sweetie to me but likes to nibble
on my husband, whereas Ginger is a little angel to my husband but munches
on me.  They're both getting more gentle with handling, and they are doing
great with the litter box!
Unfortunately, Delta has not yet taken to the new arrivals.  The minute we
brought him home he noticed all the incriminating ferret smells on us and
went into a state of depression.  For two days he lost interest in his
favorite toys and games, and he wouldn't eat or drink at all except for
some of his favorite treats with great coaxing.  At the same time, he
became much more people-oriented (liked to be held for long periods of time
and would climb into bed with us), and insisted on going for long walks
outside.  (You know you're a ferret owner when: you find yourself walking
around the neighborhood at 3:00 in the morning to cheer up your sad little
weasel.)  After his second late-night jaunt, he finally started eating and
drinking again.  He seems to be doing a lot better today, but he still
shows no desire to investigate the little ones.  This is our first time
introducing ferrets to each other, and we're hoping things won't be too
rough when they finally meet face-to-face.  We would be happy to hear any
advice from those of you who have gone through this before.
Hugs to all the furkids!
[Posted in FML issue 3176]