Last night we found our ferret Dweezil basically in a coma.
We managed to get his sugar back up and he came around again, but it took
quite a long while.
Russell lost it pretty quickly, leaving me to deal with everything, but I
realize that part of his losing it was the fact that he didn't know what to
do, while I on the other hand have read up on it and the vet instructed me
how to handle this.  After about 10 minutes he came back to us, but as any
diabetic knows, that is just as tiring as the attack itself.  So he mostly
slept last night.  We got up every 3 - 4 hours to feed him.
I have the surgery scheduled for Monday.
Please keep us in your prayers this weekend.  We need all the help we can
[Posted in FML issue 3176]