I am currently looking for high-quality pictures of the classic "green
slime" associated with ECE.  Unfortunately, the pictures of the mucousy
forest green poop which I shot from our experience here at the AFIP were
lost in an office move.
As I am currently presenting posters and lecturing at a number of pathology
conferences in order to disseminate badly needed information to clinicians
and pathologists about this disease, I could really use a picture to show
what the characteristic feces look like.
Any of you great photographers out there who might have already shot green
diarrhea (in or out of the litter), or who are currently seeing this
disease in your facility, I could really use a picture.  Digital images
via email are great - just save them as the highest resolution that you
Of course, credit will be given whenever the picture is used.
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3180]