Katie was concerned that her subscription to Modern Ferret would run out
before she ever saw a single issue.
MF's subscriptions are issue-based, that is you are buying 6 issues
for $19.95, not one year.  When they are able to keep to their normal
publication schedule, you get an issue every other month, so 6 issues is
normally one year.
When Mary and Eric are able to publish again (which I pray will be soon,
in terms of Eric's health, their business' success, and my need for my MF
magazine fix!), subscribers will get their money's worth.
Linda Iroff
Oberlin OH
[Moderator's note: Mary wrote to me about their subscription policy.  Of
course, what you say is correct, but she will update their website and/or
send mail with further details in case people have questions.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3149]