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Tue, 19 Dec 2000 09:05:17 -0800
text/plain (29 lines)
My heart and sympathies go to those that have lost their fuzzies during
what is supposed to be a joyous holiday time of year.  I lost 3 of my kids
during the end of summer.  All three went within 5 weeks of each other and
I'm still trying to get over it.  It's a long process and don't let anyone
tell you they were just animals .... My ferts were my children and what I
lived for.  They were the reason I came home to my little apartment alone
each night.  I miss them dearly and always will.  I have a happy new family
of four now.  They don't take the place of my first three, but they still
add the love and create yet a new family in my home.
My little one was only 19 months when she walked over the Bridge.  Too
little and far to young in my eyes, but it gives me comfort to know she's
never going to have another seizure which scared us both and made us cry.
They will never suffer again, feel pain from cancer or watch their
companions play while they are too tired to move.  They aren't with me
(except in memory and photos) but I know in my heart that they are in a
place where the raisins and banana chips are in great abundance and they
don't have to roll over and paw at my feet to get a cheerio.  I'm sure
that what's on the other side of the Bridge watches them and keeps them
safe and warm.
In dear memory of Cyanne, Frostie and Annie.  Dooks and kisses to you my
children you will suffer no more.
Happy holidays full of joy to the new kids: Harley, Tooley, Sneekers and
[Posted in FML issue 3272]