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Julie LeDuc <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 18:38:39 +0000
text/plain (40 lines)
Hi all!!
May everyone have a wonderful winter holiday season!  May you all have the
brightest blessings.
In response to the request for reports of non-reactions to Fervac-D.  I
had my three older ferrets (a 4 year old Sable Male, and two 3 year olds
one female, Sable & one deaf Black-eyed white (yes..he actually has ruby
eyes).)  Vaccinated in August 2000 up in Alaska, just before we left for
Texas.  Not a one had a reaction/problem with the vaccine.  They also had
their rabies vaccination (all three were unknown in their history).  No
reactions from either vaccine.  No pre treatment for any of them.  I guess
I was lucky.
Having had to deal with the potential of rabies in my household (my
daughter was bitten by an un-vaccinated cat and had to receive all but
one of the current rabies treatment protocol.  Fortunately, the cat was
negative by quarantine), I fully endorse vaccinating one's animals.  I had
the sweetest dog pass on as a child because of distemper (we helped).  I
cannot describe the pain I felt emotionally.  Having completely fallen in
total crazy love with my ferts (and my cats...they get jealous if I don't
mention them...), I cannot fathom the emotional pain of having one of them
be destroyed or contract one of these diseases that are preventable.  Those
who have ferrets that react (who knows...perhaps I will in the future),
work hard to figure out a way to lessen or eliminate a reaction.  Have an
anaphylaxis kit readily available...pre-treat with benadryl...I'm not sure
if pretreatment with prednisone or solumedrol is indicated (Dr. Williams,
a word on this perhaps?), but if so, consider that.  Have epi, and airway
support right next to the ferret (Having had numerous anaphylaxis
reactions, these things are always forefront in my mind).
Okay...I'm off my soap box. :)
Anything for our fur kids!
"Now go and do the right thing." -Dr. Laura Schlessinger
[Posted in FML issue 3247]