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Tue, 3 Oct 2000 08:22:38 -0700
Jennifer H <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Question about adopting a mother and one of her babies.  Long story short.
KiSta had a pregnant stray come in who had 3 beautiful babies (one died),
and we are adopting one of the kits.  I would also love to take mom, but
she is very, very protective of her babies.  They are six weeks tomorrow
and she still tries to take Kim's hand off when she reaches for the babies.
What is the feasibility of adopting mom and her settling down or will she
always be overly protective of her baby?  Teresa is over 3 and I don't
think she is on the tops of anyone's want list.  I would love to give her
the loving home she deserves after the first 3 years of her life, but don't
want to worry about my daughter being bitten while handling the baby (I'm
talking about mom protecting her baby, not kit nipping).
Any advice or tips?  If we cannot keep them together, anyone interested in
adopting the mom?  I will raise the funds to cover her spaying!  I just
believe this little lady deserves a real home after spending the first 3
years of her life as a factory for a low life backyard breeder.
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3194]